Храни с витамин Д

Foods with vitamin D

Why is it important to get enough vitamin D?

Vitamin D is one of the most important nutrients for our health and energy. It plays a key role in a number of biochemical processes in the body, regulating the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, which are essential for our bone health. In addition, research shows that vitamin D also plays an important role in improving our immune system and cardiovascular function. Insufficient vitamin D can lead to a variety of health problems, including osteoporosis and increased risk of infections.

Top 9 vitamin D rich foods to include in your diet

  • Fish (salmon, sardines, monkfish, morruna) – Fish is one of the richest sources of vitamin D. Just a few servings of fish a week can provide a significant amount of this important vitamin.
  • Sunflower seeds – Sunflower seeds are a delicious way to add vitamin D to your diet, along with other beneficial nutrients like magnesium and selenium.
  • Mushrooms – Mushrooms, especially shiitake and maitake, contain a good amount of vitamin D. They are an excellent choice for vegetarians and vegans.
  • Eggs – Eggs contain a significant amount of vitamin D, also providing us with important proteins and other nutrients.
  • Sweet potato – Sweet potato is an excellent source of beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin D in our body.
  • Cranberries – Cranberries are a popular fruit and are rich in vitamin D, calcium and fiber.
  • Truffles – Truffles are one of the most exotic sources of vitamin D and are known for their unique flavors.
  • Salmon oil – Salmon oil, also known as fish oil, is an additional source of vitamin D that can be easily included in the daily diet.
  • Dairy products – Dairy products such as milk, cheese and yogurt can be fortified with vitamin D, providing us with important minerals and probiotics.

How our body absorbs vitamin D from food

Vitamin D absorption is a complex process that depends on several factors. The main source of vitamin D is the synthesis under the action of sunlight on our skin. When our skin is exposed to the sun, it synthesizes the preform of vitamin D, which is then converted into the active form in the kidneys. In addition, the absorption of vitamin D from food also depends on our ability to absorb the fats that carry it.

The link between vitamin D and our health: benefits for the immune system, heart and bones

Vitamin D plays a key role in maintaining healthy immune system function. It stimulates antibody production and helps the body fight infection and inflammation. In addition, vitamin D is important for the health of the heart and circulatory system by regulating blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels. Last but not least, this vitamin is essential for bone health as it facilitates the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, which are necessary for maintaining bone structure and density.

Proper intake of vitamin D: How much is enough and how to take care of it

Proper intake of vitamin D is essential for maintaining optimal health and energy. To determine how much vitamin D you need, it’s a good idea to consult a doctor or nutritionist. They can provide you with an individualized recommended daily amount of vitamin D, taking into account your age, gender, health and activity levels.

It is advisable to include a variety of foods rich in vitamin D in your daily diet and avoid excess alcohol and nicotine consumption, as they can reduce the absorption of this important vitamin. Also, be sure to have an active lifestyle and spend time in the sun, keeping yourself from burning. This will ensure you get the right amount of vitamin D for your health and energy throughout life.

What is the amount of vitamin D in the recommended foods?

Here are some foods rich in vitamin D and their respective amounts in micrograms (mcg) in relation to the recommended daily intake of vitamin D for the adult age group (19 to 70 years), which is about 600 IU (International Units), which is approximately 15 micrograms (mcg):

  1. Salmon (baked, chopped, 85 g) – 570 IU (approximately 14 mcg)
  2. Sardines (preserved in oil, per 85 g) – 250 IU (approximately 6 mcg)
  3. Sea sprat (salmon fish, raw, per 85 g) – 360 IU (approximately 9 mcg)
  4. Moruna (salmon fish, raw, 85 g) – 640 IU (approximately 16 mcg)
  5. Sunflower seeds (peeled, 28 g) – 37 IU (approximately 0.9 mcg)
  6. Mushrooms (portobello, raw, per 85 g) – 11 IU (approximately 0.3 mcg)
  7. Eggs (chicken, per 1 piece) – 41 IU (approximately 1 mcg)
  8. Sweet potato (roasted, chopped, per 114 g) – 34 IU (approximately 0.9 mcg)
  9. Hornets (roasted, chopped, per 151 g) – 2 IU (approximately 0.05 mcg)
  10. Truffles (roasted, chopped, per 1 piece) – 6 IU (approximately 0.15 mcg)
  11. Salmon oil (1 tbsp) – 1400 IU (approximately 35 mcg)
  12. Milk (whole milk, per 240 ml) – 120 IU (approximately 3 mcg)
  13. Cheddar cheese (sliced, 132 g) – 12 IU (approximately 0.3 mcg)
  14. Yoghurt (full fat, 245 g) – 24 IU (approximately 0.6 mcg)

Note that these values are approximate and may vary depending on the brand or method of food preparation. To ensure that you get enough vitamin D, it is advisable to be informed about the recommended daily intake and include a variety of foods rich in this important vitamin in your diet.

With this article, we hope you are better informed about vitamin D and how to incorporate it into your daily diet. Remember that a varied and balanced diet is the key to good health and increased energy throughout the day.

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