

Natural Approaches to Migraine Relief and Prevention. Migraine is a serious neurological condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Unlike ordinary headaches, migraines are often accompanied by throbbing pain, photosensitivity, nausea and other symptoms that can last for hours or even days. In this article, we’ll look at some natural approaches to support the body […]

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Храната има значение за детското здраве и имунитет

Food matters for children’s health and immunity

In our hectic daily lives, we often underestimate how much food matters for children’s health and immunity. As a nutritionist with years of experience, I see how the right food choices can fundamentally change a child’s health. Why does food matter for children’s immunity? Eating is not just about filling up on calories – it

Food matters for children’s health and immunity Прочети още »

20 симптома на дефицит на йод

20 symptoms of iodine deficiency

In continuation of our article Iodine, today we’re going to talk about symptoms. 20 symptoms of iodine deficiency. Iodine is an essential trace element that plays a critical role in human health. It is an essential component of thyroid hormones, which regulate the metabolism, growth and development of almost every cell in the body. Without

20 symptoms of iodine deficiency Прочети още »

Как да Подсилим Имунитета на Детето за Есента?

How to Strengthen Your Child’s Immunity for Autumn?

Why am I writing today the article “How to Strengthen Your Child’s Immunity for Autumn?”It is summer outside, we are all thinking about the sea and carefree holidays, but autumn is not far away. For years now, August 1 has been a very special day because I know that right then, despite the summer mood

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