
Храната има значение за детското здраве и имунитет

Food matters for children’s health and immunity

In our hectic daily lives, we often underestimate how much food matters for children’s health and immunity. As a nutritionist with years of experience, I see how the right food choices can fundamentally change a child’s health. Why does food matter for children’s immunity? Eating is not just about filling up on calories – it […]

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Как да Подсилим Имунитета на Детето за Есента?

How to Strengthen Your Child’s Immunity for Autumn?

Why am I writing today the article “How to Strengthen Your Child’s Immunity for Autumn?”It is summer outside, we are all thinking about the sea and carefree holidays, but autumn is not far away. For years now, August 1 has been a very special day because I know that right then, despite the summer mood

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защо детето да спортува?

Why should a child play sports?

Why should a child play sports? Today I decided to share a bit more on the topic of Sport and Children. As a wife, mother of two boys and a working woman, I know how hectic our daily lives are and how many commitments and tasks we have. Sometimes it feels like we have no time for anything, much less sport. Sport has proved to be a great strength for our family, first I started, then my husband joined in and then the kids joined in.

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Хранене при Атопичен Дерматит

Nutrition in Atopic Dermatitis

Today we will look at the topic: Nutrition for Atopic Dermatitis. Atopic dermatitis, also known as atopic eczema, is a chronic inflammatory skin disease that is often associated with food allergies and sensitivities to certain foods. Proper nutrition plays a key role in managing this condition, supporting the digestive system and improving the body’s overall health. The Importance of Food for Atopic Dermatitis:

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Supplements for hyperactive children

Hyperactive children and hyperactivity in children is not just a matter of behaviour; it can often be linked to physiological aspects, including gut health. Studies have shown that problems with the ratio of bacteria in the gut, called dysbacteriosis, can play a key role in the development and management of hyperactivity. The Role of Probiotics:

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