The truth about female hormones – Dr. Maria Papazova

Dr. Maria Papazova on how female hormones affect, when they disrupt normal levels and why treatment with synthetic hormones can lead to life-threatening diseases.

In case you missed Dr. Maria Papazova’s guest appearance at the Gala on “The Truth About Female Hormones“, be sure to watch it!

Topics such as do we know how female hormones affect us, when do they disrupt normal levels and why treatment with synthetic hormones can lead to life-threatening diseases are discussed.

Synthetic hormones, including contraceptives and hormone replacement drugs, significantly increase the risk of:

  • Breast cancer (over 50 times) and uterine cancer (over 9 times)
  • Thrombosis
  • Jaundice
  • Depression
  • High blood pressure
  • Virilisation (increased hair growth)
  • Filling
  • Water retention
  • Sore breasts
  • Colitis
  • Bloating
  • Varicose veins
  • Insomnia
  • and many others…

You’ll find out what other elements of our daily lives have unsuspected amounts of synthetic hormones – for example, in meat, various sprays, cosmetic products, etc.

Dr. Maria Papazova tells how hormonal problems can be solved with natural means.

The cream containing wild yam (Mexican yam) that Dr. Papazova is talking about is AquaSource’s Moone Rise moisturizing cream.

Wild yam is also contained in AquaSource’s Moone Balance product in capsule form.

Excellent combination:

This is very important and valuable information for every woman’s health!

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