Храната има значение за детското здраве и имунитет

Food matters for children’s health and immunity

In our hectic daily lives, we often underestimate how much food matters for children’s health and immunity. As a nutritionist with years of experience, I see how the right food choices can fundamentally change a child’s health.

Why does food matter for children’s immunity?

Eating is not just about filling up on calories – it is the foundation of our health. When it comes to children’s immunity, food matters even more. Live, unprocessed food contains:

  • Natural vitamins in their most absorbable form
  • Minerals needed for growth and development
  • Antioxidants protecting against diseases
  • Phytonutrients that strengthen the immune system

Food matters
Live vs. processed food: The difference is huge

Food matters for children's health and immunity

Why does live food matter?

Unprocessed food offers:

  • Complete complex of nutrients
  • Natural enzymes for better digestion
  • Bioactive compounds supporting immunity
  • Fibre for healthy gut microflora

Disadvantages of processed food:

  • Reduced vitamin content
  • Added artificial ingredients
  • High in sugars and unhealthy fats
  • Preservatives adversely affecting children’s health

Practical tips on how food matters in everyday life

To strengthen children’s immunity:

  1. Include daily:
    • Fresh fruit and vegetables
    • Wholegrain foods
    • Quality proteins
    • Healthy fats
  2. Avoid:
    • Packed snacks
    • Carbonated drinks
    • Processed meat products
    • Refined sugars

Create healthy habits

Food matters not only for momentary health, but also for building long-term eating habits. Here’s how to make healthy eating appealing:

  • Involve children in product choice
  • Cook together
  • Experiment with different healthy recipes
  • Make eating fun and educational

Flu season: Why food matters even more

During the winter months, the immune system needs extra support. Focus on:

  • Foods rich in vitamin C
  • Probiotic foods
  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Super foods like honey, ginger and turmeric

BONUS: Quick and healthy afternoon snacks

A rescue plan for busy parents

I know how challenging it is to provide healthy food in our hectic daily lives. Here’s my tried-and-tested advice for parents: prepare a “fruit treasure box” – a practical solution for the kids’ afternoon snacks.

How to make a “fruit treasure box”:

  1. Preparation
    • Wash well various seasonal fruits
    • Cut them into bites (apples, pears, oranges)
    • Divide small fruits (grapes, raspberries) into portions
    • Place in an interesting and colorful box
  2. You can use different combinations of:
    • Cut seasonal fruits
    • A handful of nuts or seeds
    • A few dried fruits

This simple system will save you time throughout and provide your children with a healthy alternative to packaged snacks.
Bonus: The kids love helping prepare their “treasure boxes,” which teaches them healthy eating habits in a fun way!


Food really does matter – it is our fuel, our medicine and the foundation of good health. An investment in quality, living food is an investment in our children’s future. Let food choices be mindful and responsible, because the consequences determine the quality of life for years to come.

With much love, Geri

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