As a mom and nutritionist, I share our family secret to strong immunity daily. After years of research and personal experience and feedback from hundreds of satisfied families, I have discovered a combination of three powerful natural ingredients that are the foundation of our family’s natural protection.
Now at the peak of flu season, the topic of immunity is very often discussed, especially by parents of children. We all hope our children stay healthy. The truth is that health care begins long before the viruses and flu season arrives. What we do in my family, and what I advise families to do, is to take care of our health year-round.
I have noticed that many parents stop thinking in this direction in the summer, because then it is warm, we have a good mood, we go on holidays, the children are on vacation and “let down their guard”. My advice is even if you are in a more vacation mode in the summer, in August start thinking in the direction of health again. When we use natural foods to support health, they need time to build up in the body and start to produce results. That’s why it’s good to keep our health at a good level and our bodies nourished throughout the year.
The three pillars of strong immunity
Our family secret to building strong immunity lies in the synergistic action of three exceptional natural sources. Each contributes uniquely to strengthening the immune system and together they create a strong defense for the health of the whole family.
1. Colostrum: Nature’s immunity shield
Colostrum, known as nature’s “liquid gold,” is the first and most important element in our family secret to strong immunity.
How colostrum supports our immune system:
- Direct Protection:
- Ready-made antibodies attack harmful microorganisms
- Creates a protective layer on the mucous membranes
- Neutralizes toxins and pathogens
- Activates natural killer cells (NK cells)
- Long-term support:
- Stimulates the production of its own antibodies
- Trains immune cells to recognize threats
- Improves communication between immune cells
- Regulates inflammatory processes
- Recovery and regeneration:
- Accelerates wound healing
- Helps to restore the intestinal mucosa
- Stimulates the production of new healthy cells
- Improves nutrient absorption
- Specific benefits for strong immunity:
- Reduces the incidence of colds and flu
- Shortens recovery time
- Relieves allergic reactions
- Improves resistance to stress
Exceptional composition of colostrum:
- Immunoglobulins (IgA, IgG, IgM):
- Provide powerful natural protection
- Neutralize harmful microorganisms
- Strengthen the mucous membranes of the respiratory system
- Strengthen the intestinal immune system
- Growth factors:
- Epidermal growth factor (EGF)
- Insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1)
- Transforming growth factor (TGF)
- Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)
- Proline-rich polypeptides (PRPs):
- Regulate the immune system
- Balance autoimmune reactions
- Improve cellular communication
- Activate antibody production
Additional bioactive components:
- Lactoferrin, which binds to and helps transport iron throughout the body, depriving pathogens of access to iron so they die for lack of “food”.
- Lactoperoxidase
- Lysozyme
- Cytokines
- Oligosaccharides
- Glycoproteins
2. The power of algae and green foods
The second pillar in our family secret to strong immunity is a unique combination of superfoods, each with its own remarkable nutritional profile.
How algae and green foods strengthen natural defenses:
AFA Algae:
- Stimulate the movement of immune cells
- Increase stem cell production
- Improve cellular communication
- Strengthen antioxidant protection
- Detoxify the body from heavy metals
AFA algae (Aphanizomenon flos-aquae):
- Phytonutrients:
- Phycocyanin (powerful antioxidant)
- Chlorophyll
- Carotenoids
- Phycobiliproteins
- Minerals:
- Iron
- Zinc
- Magnesium
- Calcium
- Selenium
- Chrome
- Vitamins:
- B-complex
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin K
- Increases interferon production
- Stimulates macrophage activity
- Improves antibody production
- Reduces inflammatory processes
- Protects DNA from damage
- Proteins:
- All essential amino acids
- Easily absorbable peptides
- Phycocyanin
- Antioxidants:
- Beta-carotene
- Zeaxanthin
- Chlorophyll
- Superoxide dismutase
- Minerals and trace elements:
- Iron (40 times more than spinach)
- Zinc
- Honey
- Manganese
- Chrome
- Selenium
Lucerne Alpha Alpha:
- Alkalises the body
- Improves blood formation
- Supports detoxification
- Stimulates tissue regeneration
- Improves digestion
- General action of green superfoods:
- Deliver concentrated nutrients
- Improve energy levels
- Enhance cellular respiration
- Optimize metabolism
- Support hormonal balance
Lucerne (Alpha-Alpha):
- Vitamins:
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin B1, B2, B6
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin D
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin K
- Minerals:
- Calcium
- Magnesium
- Phosphorus
- Potassium
- Zinc
- Iron
- Bioactive compounds:
- Saponini
- Flavonoids
- Alkaloids
- Kumarini
- Phytoestrogens
3. Essential fatty acids: The foundation of cellular health
The third component in our family secret for strong immunity is a balanced combination of essential fatty acids.
How essential fatty acids support the immune system:
- Cellular level:
- Build healthy cell membranes
- Improve cell permeability
- Optimize cellular communication
- Protect cells from oxidative stress
- Regulation of inflammation:
- Balance the production of prostaglandins
- Reduce chronic inflammation
- Modulate the immune response
- Support the resolution of acute inflammation
- Support barrier functions:
- Strengthen the skin barrier
- Maintain mucosal health
- Improve intestinal permeability
- Protect the blood-brain barrier
- Specific actions for strong immunity:
- Enhance the production of anti-inflammatory mediators
- Regulate autoimmune reactions
- Support the production of resolvins and protectins
- Optimize T-cell function
- EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid):
- Anti-inflammatory action
- Support the cardiovascular system
- Blood pressure regulation
- Improving brain function
- DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid):
- Development of the nervous system
- Improving vision
- Strengthening cell membranes
- Optimizing brain activity
- ALA (Alpha-linolenic acid):
- Maintaining hormonal balance
- Support the immune system
- Regulation of inflammatory processes
- Linoleic acid:
- Production of prostaglandins
- Regulation of inflammation
- Maintaining skin health
- Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA):
- Hormonal balance
- Anti-inflammatory action
- Support the nervous system
- Oleic acid:
- Improves insulin sensitivity
- Supports heart health
- Optimizes brain function
- Strengthens the body’s natural defences
Synergistic action of the three pillars:
The combination of these three components creates a powerful foundation for strong immunity through:
- Multi-layered protection:
- Colostrum provides immediate immune support
- Algae supply the necessary building blocks
- Fatty acids optimize cellular functions
- Long-term support:
- Building a strong immune memory
- Improving recovery processes
- Optimizing metabolic functions
- Maintaining healthy barrier functions
- Adaptive Benefits:
- Increased resistance to stress
- Better adaptation to environmental changes
- Optimised response to challenges
- Improved ability to self-repair
Practical tips for maximum efficiency
To make the most of our family secret for strong immunity:
- Start gradually:
- Enter the components one by one
- Monitor the body’s response
- Increase the amount slowly
- Optimize intake:
- Take colostrum on an empty stomach
- Consume seaweed with water or juice
- Combine fatty acids with food
- Be consistent:
- Create a daily routine
- Maintain regular intake
- Keep track of the results
Our family secret for strong immunity is the result of years of research and practical experience. This unique combination provides comprehensive natural protection for the body, supporting all aspects of immune health.
Note: This article shares personal experiences and knowledge on building strong immunity.