Detoxification and weight loss after the holidays

Suitable products of AquaSource for complete cleansing of the body from toxins and melting of excess weight.

Most people have heard or read about detoxification and its importance to our health.

It is a fact that a person from birth begins to accumulate toxins in his body. Various poisons pass through the human body every day – nitrates and chemicals from foods, medicines and vaccines, toxins from the air and water, waste products from bodily metabolism, and from the increasingly chemical environment in which we live.

The big holidays (for example Christmas and New Year), which are usually associated with rich feasts with huge amounts of food and drink, are another reason to think about cleansing the body and ridding it of accumulated poisons.

Why is now the time to detox?

Especially during the holidays, consumed in inappropriate quantities and proportions, having undergone serious culinary processing, the delicious but “dead” food becomes a poison for our cells. It depletes our reserves of digestive enzymes, and as a consequence, the poorly processed food is broken down in the intestines to toxic substances that reach all organs and systems through the blood and damage them. Thus, as a result of just a few days of overeating and the resulting intoxication, we may develop a forgotten health problem or become more vulnerable to new diseases.

For these reasons, insufficient purification of the body can cause severe diseases.

This is why the process of detoxification is paramount to our health!

AquaSource products for detoxification and weight loss

The more extensive the toxin congestion, the more serious and prolonged the detoxification should be. That is why it is best for a person to spend a little time on this every day prophylactically, just as he does for his car or home.

AquaSource offers several products that will help you naturally cleanse yourself of accumulated toxins and be healthier and more vital:

AquaSource_Easy_start_program_SEP001The one-month Easy Start programme
An easy start is a very convenient way to get rid of toxins and restore normal gastrointestinal function. It promotes better digestion, breakdown and absorption of nutrients, which accelerates the body’s self-cleansing of accumulated toxins. The Easy Start program is good to take at least 2-3 times a year.

Shake Lighten-UpThe Light-Up Shake
Leighton-Up is very suitable for melting off excess weight and can successfully replace crash diets that aggravate cellular hunger. Can be used daily.

Liquid Gold Complex
Liquid Gold Complex
Fatty Acids Complex
An ideal plant source of essential Omega-3, 6, 7 and 9 fatty acids, which, in combination with the Easy Start Program or Lighten-Up, support even better purification of the body and weight loss. Suitable for everyday use.

Seaweed AFA
APIs are the most beneficial and balanced “green food”, which has excellent digestibility and powerful cleansing, radioprotective (protecting against radiation) and anticarcinogenic (protecting against cancer and its recurrence) properties. They are recommended for daily use.

Liver Cleanse with ionic mineralsLiver Klens
It helps to better purify the liver, which is the body’s chemical laboratory and takes the brunt of protecting us from toxins. It is taken 2-3 times a year, best after Easy Start.

It is recommended to normalize digestion and avoid constipation. It is taken 3-4 times a year for 1 month.

AS-Salt-PicHimalayan crystal salt
Himalayan salt is a complete source of minerals and trace elements and helps the body’s cleansing process by balancing its pH and cleansing it of heavy metals. It can be taken as a “Sole” drink every morning on an empty stomach and used for a detoxifying bath of the whole body or just the feet.

During detoxification (and not only) you should drink plenty of spring or purified water – at least 30 ml per kg of weight! This is necessary to assist the body in the process of toxin elimination.

Wondering where to start?

For best and lasting results, it is recommended that you start with the Easy Start Program for one month along with Liquid Gold Complex (or Fatty Acid Complex), then continue with Leighton-Up, Liquid Gold Complex (or Fatty Acid Complex) and Livor Klens.

Another option is to start with just Light-Up and Liquid Gold Complex (or Fatty Acid Complex), and then you can alternate with the other AquaSource products.
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