Benefits of Spirulina
Spirulina is a blue-green microalgae that is used as a complete, healthy and easily digestible cell food. It contains over 100 beneficial nutrients that work synergistically to help keep the body healthy and vibrant.
Spirulina grows in both marine and freshwater environments, and due to its high richness in protein and other vital nutrients, it has been used for centuries as a health food or food supplement.
Spirulina is rich in gamma-linolenic acid (a rare essential fatty acid), which is found primarily in breast milk – which is why it is also called “Mother Earth’s Milk“.
Also, due to the lack of cellulose in the cell walls, spirulina does not require chemical or physical processing during digestion, making it extremely easy for the body to absorb.
Spirulina is alkaline and helps maintain an optimal pH in the body. Due to improper diet and the consumption of too much processed, overcooked, fried and old foods, as well as carbonated drinks, the body becomes acidic, which is one of the main reasons why we get sick more. To be healthy, we need to maintain a good alkaline-acid balance. The algae AFA and spirulina help us a lot in this respect.
Spirulina’s rich and wholesome nutritional content provides many vital ingredients that are missing from our daily table. It gives athletes a rich supply of energy, is useful for people with problems in digestion, assimilation and excretion, helps those suffering from diabetes, stress and depression, improves immunity and strengthens all organs and systems. Spirulina has been consumed for centuries, and these days millions of people around the world are taking advantage of this gift of Nature.
Spirulina is a wonderful food for all, with complex beneficial effects on the whole organism, but not so markedly on the brain and blood circulation as the seaweed AFA.
Spirulina is especially valuable and useful for:
- pregnant and lactating women;
- infants and young children;
- recovery after illness;
- people who are active in sports;
- coping with fatigue due to heavy loads;
- older people, etc.
It is only natural that anyone who values his health should first of all take care not to let it deteriorate and therefore consume seaweed!
Essential nutrients in spirulina:
Spirulina grows so fast that it can provide up to 20 times more protein per unit cultivation area than soybeans and more than 200 times that of beef. It does not need fertile land, while 22 kg of topsoil is lost to produce 1 kg of corn protein and 145 kg for 1 kg of beef protein.
Spirulina (like AFA) contains 2 times more protein than the next richest source, soy, and 3 times more than beef, fish and eggs. At the same time, 1 g of dry seaweed contains less than 4 calories and almost no cholesterol. It contains 8 essential and 10 essential amino acids, in the correct ratio and with an absorption rate of over 90%.
Its dark green colouring is the result of the accumulation of natural pigments – chlorophyll, phycocyanin and carotenoids, which collect solar energy.
Spirulina is extremely rich in beta-carotene (provitamin A), its content is 25 times higher than that of raw carrots. Beta-carotene can not only prevent cancer, but also reverse its development. Its natural form outperforms synthetic ones many times over as it is much better absorbed by the body.
Three grams of spirulina provide 180% of the US recommended daily intake of beta-carotene. Taking beta-carotene is preferable to taking vitamin A as there is no danger of overdose and side effects.
Beta-carotene is a natural antioxidant that has many beneficial effects on the body:
- protects against cancer
- protects against diseases of the cardiovascular system
- strengthens the immune system
- promotes and accelerates wound healing
- lowers blood cholesterol levels
- improves the health of those exposed to higher doses of radiation, such as after the Chernobyl accident.
In addition to beta-carotene, spirulina contains many other pigments, including chlorophyll and xanthophyll.
Spirulina contains large amounts of vitamin B12 (only surpassed by the AFA algae) and is 3 times richer in vitamin E than raw wheat germ.
Spirulina also contains vitamin B1 (thiamine), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B3 (nicotinamide), vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), vitamin B9 (folic acid), vitamin C, vitamin D and vitamin A.
Its exceptional biological activity is associated with a whole range of vitamins and physiologically active substances. People who consume it need less of other foods.
Essential fatty acids
Spirulina is rich in gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), also provides alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), linoleic acid (LA), etc.
Gamma-linolenic acid is absolutely necessary for infant development. It is found in the largest quantities in breast milk, and second in spirulina – which is why it is also called “mother’s milk of the planet”. In adults, gamma-linolenic acid helps reduce high blood pressure and cholesterol, as well as relieves arthritis, premenstrual pain, eczema, psoriasis, and other skin problems.
Spirulina is a rich source of potassium and iron, as well as calcium, magnesium, chromium, copper, manganese, phosphorus, selenium, sodium and zinc.
Spirulina is extremely rich in organic iron, which is absolutely non-toxic and easily absorbed, making it very valuable for the blood. It is about 50 times richer in iron than raw spinach. Its rich mineral content is also very important for healthy skin, bones, nails and teeth. In this respect, spirulina closely resembles the wild Klamath seaweed AFA, if of course grown under good conditions.
In 1996, scientists reported on a study done in the laboratory of Harvard Medical School and Earthrise Farms. According to them, “the aqueous extract of spirulina inhibits the reproduction of the AIDS virus in human cells, specifically in T cells and in peripheral blood cells. Viral production was reduced at concentrations of 5-10 mg/ml.” High concentrations completely stopped the development of the AIDS virus. At the concentration that terminated virus replication, the spirulina extract was not toxic to human cells.
Another group of scientists published the results of new research done with a purified aqueous extract of spirulina called “calcium-spirulan.” It inhibits the development of AIDS virus, herpes simplex, human cytomegalovirus, influenza virus type A, etc., while being completely safe for human cells.
According to Dr. Gabrielle Cousins, spirulina is a powerful alkalizing food with marked beneficial effects for a variety of health problems. Its beneficial action is rather directed to the whole organism, and its influence on the brain and nervous system is not as marked as that of AFA.
For this reason, it is good to combine both types of microalgae in order to achieve the maximum complex regenerating, healing and energizing effect. Such a combination is contained in the product Green Energy of AquaSource.
Spirulina is contained in the following AquaSource products:
Green energy from AquaSource
Green Energy by AquaSource is a universal cellular food that is recommended to all people for prevention and maintenance of good health at the cellular level, strong immunity, good self-esteem, high vitality and performance, and maximum energy levels.