Tea Mate

Tea Mate

Mate, also known as“Paraguayan tea” or“Brazilian tea“, is a tea-like beverage that is made from the dried leaves of a type of evergreen South American tree.

In mate contains vitamin A, all the vitamins of the B group, but most – B1 and B2, C, E, P and others. Of the trace elements, sulfur, magnesium, calcium, potassium, manganese, sodium, iron, copper, chlorine are most strongly represented. In terms of composition and percentage of vitamins and trace elements, mate is fully comparable to tea.

The most important constituent of mate is the alkaloid mateine, which has a different chemical formula than caffeine, but its effects on the body are very similar. Its advantage is that this action is milder and devoid of the drawbacks and side effects that are seen with caffeine. The mother acts as a mild stimulant of physical and mental activity of man; improves the activity of the digestive and excretory system (used as a mild laxative, recommended for chronic constipation, and a mild diuretic that does not overload the kidneys); normalizes blood pressure (lowers arterial pressure) and dilates blood vessels.

Indigenous people have traditionally used ma-te to eliminate physical and mental fatigue, to treat fevers and colds with high fever, as a means of prolonging life and as a staple food to ensure survival during prolonged periods of famine.

A number of modern studies confirm the beneficial effects of mate on the immune system, its sweating and temperature-lowering properties, as well as the dietary value of the drink.

Very promising is the use of mate as a treatment for mental disorders, for example neuroses and depression. It has pronounced properties of a psycho-stimulator – improves mood, increases activity, acts mildly and removes at the same time such symptoms as insomnia, anxiety, tension, emotional unsteadiness.

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