Spirulina – complete food from nature

How to dry AquaSource's AFA algae?Green Energy has long been one of AquaSource’s most popular products. It combines equal amounts of AquaSource’s iconic product, Afanisomenon Flos-akwe – Klamath Lake algae, Hawaiian spirulina and organic alfalfa. Green Energy is often used during pregnancy and is helpful for the common cold.

We have written about Klamath Lake algae quite a few times in other newsletters and will again, but today we are concentrating mainly on spirulina and less on organic alfalfa.

Alfalfa is known for its long roots that harvest minerals, amino acids and other nutrients from the soil – nutrients like vitamins A, D, E and K, carotenes and minerals like potassium, calcium and magnesium, and of course chlorophyll. Also coumarins, isoflavonoids, and various other important nutrients.

Its name derives from “al-fak-faqa”, which means“father of all foods” in Arabic. That says enough!

Hawaiian spirulina is processed naturally and grown in Hawaii’s perfect climate. It is tested for purity, ensuring high quality and nutritional properties.

Three AquaSource Green Energy capsules provide:
Organic Alfalfa – minimum 300 mg
Aphanizomenon flies-acve (Klamath Lake algae) – 300 mg
Hawaiian spirulina – 300 mg
Capsule: emulsifier – gelatin

Green energyAll three ingredients of
Green Energy
contain chlorophyll. It is found in all green plants and algae. Heat treatment of vegetables destroys chlorophyll, which is why taking Green Energy is so beneficial. Our AquaSource algae is never exposed to high temperatures, unlike most other drying processes at other companies. AquaSource’s patented BioActive Dehydration® drying process ensures that the nutrients are preserved to the fullest extent.)

What is Chlorophyll?

Chlorophyll is the green pigment that gives leaves, algae and vegetables their green colour. Chlorophyll absorbs sunlight and changes it into energy through a process called photosynthesis. On a molecular level, chlorophyll is almost identical to hemoglobin, the oxygen carrier in our blood. That’s why some people call it the “blood” of plants. The only difference between hemoglobin and chlorophyll is that hemoglobin has iron in the center of the molecule, while chlorophyll has magnesium in the center. Chlorophyll is a great oxygenator in our bodies.

YOU KNOW THAT…? When the chlorophyll in the leaves breaks down in autumn, the green colour fades and is replaced by orange and red carotenoids.


Its name literally means “little spiral” as its cells form the shape of a small coiled spring.

Spirulina has been the focus of much in-depth research and has attracted the attention of the international community. Indeed, in 1974, the World Health Organization described spirulina as “an interesting food for many reasons – rich in iron and protein, able to be taken by children without any risk,” considering it “a very suitable food.”(1)

In 2003. (2) In 2003, the United Nations established the Intergovernmental Institute for the Use of Spirulina Microalgae against Malnutrition.

In 2008, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations published a report calling on governments to reassess the potential of spirulina to meet the need to meet food requirements.

In the late 1980s and early 1990s, NASA and the European Space Agency proposed that spirulina be grown as one of the staple foods during long-term space missions.

In its September 2005 issue, the American magazine AARP quite deservedly called spirulina “Superfood No. 1.”

“Manna from heaven.”

Spirulina has existed on earth since 3.6 billion years ago. Ancient Aztec and Mayan warriors fed on spirulina as a staple food for exceptional health, strength and endurance in battle. For thousands of years spirulina has been part of the staple diet of the Kanembu people in Chad, Africa. In the Middle East, spirulina is sometimes called “manna of heaven”, as it was often found by ancient Hebrews dried and wrinkled like a wafer on the rocky desert ground. Today, survivors of the Chernobyl and Fukushima nuclear power plant accidents are given spirulina and chlorella to reduce the damage caused by nuclear radiation and to protect people from further radiation.

Why is spirulina nature’s almost “perfect” complete food?

spirulinaAs mentioned above, spirulina is a rich source of chlorophyll, the pigment that makes plants green, and is vital to the process of plant nutrition (photosynthesis). Chlorophyll is one of the most powerful detoxifying substances in nature.

Deep beneath spirulina’s deep blue-green color lies a rainbow of health-promoting pigments, including: green from chlorophyll, blue from phycocyanin, and orange from carotenoids – all of which collect and transmit solar energy and thus support our health and normal growth. In fact, spirulina is one of the richest sources of phyto-pigments such as phycocyanin, beta-carotene, zeaxanthin and other plant pigments. One of the most beta-carotene-rich foods that can exist. Spirulina’s ten mixed carotenoids include orange carotenes, alpha, beta, gamma, and yellow xanthophylls.

It also contains GLA, an important omega-6 fatty acid, in higher concentrations than even evening primrose oil, as well as a variety of vitamins, minerals and the powerful antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD).

The quality of protein in spirulina rivals that of the best protein sources. This even includes milk, eggs and beef. It yields 20 times more protein per unit area than soybeans, 40 times more than corn and over 200 times more than beef

On a per gram basis, spirulina contains an average of 60% protein. However, we must keep dosage in mind as spirulina is typically used in much smaller levels than these proteins. This is generally considered a supplement, not a “protein substitute”.

With all these nutrient bioavailables, it’s easy to see why Green Energy continues to be one of AquaSource’s most popular products.

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