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Our family secret for strong immunity

As a mom and nutritionist, I share our family secret to strong immunity daily. After years of research and personal experience and feedback from hundreds of satisfied families, I have discovered a combination of three powerful natural ingredients that are the foundation of our family’s natural protection. Now at the peak of flu season, the […]

Our family secret for strong immunity Прочети още »

Храната има значение за детското здраве и имунитет

Food matters for children’s health and immunity

In our hectic daily lives, we often underestimate how much food matters for children’s health and immunity. As a nutritionist with years of experience, I see how the right food choices can fundamentally change a child’s health. Why does food matter for children’s immunity? Eating is not just about filling up on calories – it

Food matters for children’s health and immunity Прочети още »

множествена склероза

Supplements in Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a disease that requires a comprehensive and individualized approach to treatment. Supplements play a significant role in this context, providing support for the immune system, inflammatory processes and general health of those affected by this disease. In this article, we will look at the appropriate supplements for Multiple Sclerosis. Suitable Supplements

Supplements in Multiple Sclerosis Прочети още »