nutritional supplements

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Our family secret for strong immunity

As a mom and nutritionist, I share our family secret to strong immunity daily. After years of research and personal experience and feedback from hundreds of satisfied families, I have discovered a combination of three powerful natural ingredients that are the foundation of our family’s natural protection. Now at the peak of flu season, the […]

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добавки и таласемия

Supplements and thalassemia

Supplements and thalassemia, a topic that is not very popular, but is extremely important for people who suffer or have relatives with thalassemia. Thalassemia is a serious genetic disorder affecting the production of hemoglobin and red blood cells. Although there is no curative treatment for this defect, some natural supplements can provide support and benefits

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Хранене при Болест на Крон

Nutrition in Crohn’s disease

Maintaining health through balanced nutrition, detoxification, superfoods and supplements. We will reveal tips for healthy living and coping with Crohn’s Disease or Ulcerative Colitis. Nutrition in Crohn’s disease is of utmost importance Crohn’s disease is a chronic inflammatory disease of the digestive tract, which can cause a disruption of its normal function. Diet and lifestyle

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симптоми на инсулинова разистентност

Symptoms of insulin resistance – 15 symptoms

Symptoms of insulin resistance – 15 symptoms and how to deal with them? Insulin resistance is a widespread disease affecting a large number of people worldwide and can lead to serious health problems . This condition is characterized by reduced sensitivity of cells to insulin , a key hormone responsible for controlling blood glucose levels.

Symptoms of insulin resistance – 15 symptoms Прочети още »

AquaSource Colastra Colactive 3

Aquasource Colostrum Collaborative 3 uses colostrum that is sourced from the southwestern United States, where a processing plant designed by dairy processing engineers was built with the sole purpose of producing the highest quality colostrum. AquaSource recommended Collastra Collactive 3 to all who wish to further support digestive health, in addition to all the other

AquaSource Colastra Colactive 3 Прочети още »