Natural Being Halal certificate

We are most proud to announce that our Natural Being cosmetics are Halal certified.

Natural Being products offer a light, less complex formula that will help your skin bloom!

Enjoy natural beauty and healthy skin with the Natural Being range Natural Being cosmetics are certified natural by the BDIH and meet Halal standards.

Key Ingredients Active Manuka Honey Tocopherol Proven to restore skin’s vitality, Vitamin E acts as a powerful antioxidant that helps protect against free radicals a major cause of aging gently stimulates cell repair by hydrating and retaining moisture levels without feeling greasy, leaving you feeling healthy.

Natural Being halal certificate

Manuka Oil Its unique antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties protect against microorganisms that cause inflammation and stains.

What is Halal Serif?

“Halal” (Arabic: حلال / Eng.: Halal) is a specific term in the Islamic religion that can be translated into English as ‘Permitted’, ‘Allowed’ or ‘Permitted’. The scope of the word ‘HALAL’ includes the things permitted for ‘Muslims’ under the ‘Islamic Rules’.

“Muslims”: are people who follow and practice Islam, believe in the oneness of ALLAH and that the Quran is a holy book containing the verbal word of the Most High revealed through ALLAH’s messenger Muhammad (ALLAH bless him and grant him peace).

“Islamic Rules”: that which ALLAH establishes for Muslims, which is derived from his rules from the Holy QUR’AN, the sayings and practices (Sunnah) of the Messenger of ALLAH Muhammad (ALLAH bless him and grant him peace) as well as his sayings and behaviors (Hadith) which are highly valued by Muslims and accepted as a general rule.

Muslims should consume only pure and healthy food and drink conforming to Islamic Rules. Non-pure (Najis) foods, carrion (Al Maita), fatally beaten animals (Mawqouza), strangled animals, animals that die as a result of falling from a high place (Motardiah), animals that are not slaughtered in the Name of “ALLAH”, or the consumption of animals such as pigs, dogs and their offspring, are strictly forbidden by the Islamic Religion.

If we are to add more examples of Najis these are: blood and its by-products, any fluid and objects expelled from the orifices of humans or animals such as: urine, placenta, excrement, vomit, pus, sperm, ova and the like are categorized as Non-Halal. There are also cases in which the food even if pure (Tahir/Tahir) if in the category of Non-Ja’iz (forbidden by Islam) is forbidden to consume it (as an example: ‘dope’).

The Halal term and Halal Certification includes cosmetics, animal feed, textiles, packaging, tourism, pharmaceuticals, banking and financial services, chemical industry, agriculture, catering services, machinery industry, logistics and transportation besides food and beverages.

The purpose of “Halal Certification” is to plan, enforce, track, audit, and document entire production processes and services. To give an example of the Halal Certification process in a facility where food is produced: the process starts with the verification of the source of raw materials, continues with the storage of raw materials, then moves into the production process, then packaging then tracking the storage of the final product. From there, the logistics and display in the market of Halal products are monitored before they are purchased by the end customers. All this is documented and tracked in a way that enables further stages to satisfy the Halal content and process inquiries of the Halal Certificate stakeholders.

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