I improved my health and increased my performance
This is my story about my first encounter with AquaSource products. I describe how they changed my life. You will learn how super foods will benefit your life.
What made me look for superfoods?
On 10.08.2009 I started work. During this week I noticed that I was weak and my work capacity was reduced. My brain had gone into lethargy. I was dizzy and my muscles were clenching, which was damn painful at times. Due to lack of sleep and the sheer volume of information going through my head, I was forgetting a lot. My brain was exhausted beyond recognition and my memory was not working normally. My colleagues said that the reason was the vacation I just came back from. But the reason was different.
What was the reason for my faintness?
I came across an article in Manager magazine this week. It was entitled‘Recharging without side effects‘. From there I found out that the causes of my woes were the loss of valuable vitamins and minerals in my system. Our body excretes huge amounts of water in summer. This is the reason why a huge volume of much needed minerals is lost.
What minerals did I need?
I was deficient in potassium, sodium and magnesium. Normal functioning of the heart, muscles and nervous system depend on them.
Why don’t coffee and other energy drinks help?
Energy drinks contain only caffeine. They are designed for active sportsmen. Their main purpose is to quickly restore the electrolyte balance of the body. They couldn’t help me in any way because they didn’t contain the ingredients I needed.
How did I discover AquaSoruce products?
I searched the Internet and came across the AquaSource website. I read there that on 26.08 there is a lecture where they will present the products and their unique properties. I went and liked what I heard a hell of a lot . I ordered the AFA ( it’s the seaweed from AquaSource ) and on 29.08.2009 I was already drinking from it.
How did taking seaweed affect me?
I remember the day Tuesday, September 1, 2009 very well. I was bubbling with energy and my mood was extremely good. I made a strong impression on my project manager and he said to me ” What’s the matter with you? You are approaching things very energetically today” 🙂
The other thing that made an impression on me is that now I am more concentrated and my brain works extremely well. I’m bursting with ideas, I’m doing tasks 3 times faster and with better quality.
I also noticed an extraordinary impact on my brain. My memory was back to normal and I was NOT forgetting anymore.
What surprised and shocked my personal doctor?
On 14.09.09 I went for my annual check-up. Today 16.09.09 I went to have a cardiogram and to check my test results. Here’s what they were.
My cholesterol is 4.1. My doctor’s words were – “I haven’t seen such a result in a long time”.
About hemoglobin his exact words were – “A lump of hemoglobin. Bravo!”
My cardiogram is extremely good. The words I heard come out of the doctor’s mouth were – “Cardiogram for an example for students to learn over”.
I was asked my age and after I answered that I was 27 – amazement followed.
What did they tell me on the way out of the office?
It makes me extremely happy that I am in excellent health. This is because I take care of my body and my mental health.
On the way out the doctor said something that showed me I was going in the right direction. What I heard from him was – “Keep living the way you’re living now”.
This is the AquaSource algae that I take as a supplement to my diet. Find out more about them and then take your pick.