Difference between colostrum and milk

Colostrum – Vital and useful for everyone

Difference between colostrum and milk?

Is there a difference between colostrum and milk? Yes, colostrum is not milk. It is a concentration of nutrients that transmit immunity and prevent the appearance of “leaky gut”, initiate and support growth, suppress pain in the birthing process. Colostrum is much richer in protein, vitamins and minerals, and is poorer in lactose.

Why is there a difference between colostrum and milk? What is colostrum?

Colostrum is the first milk or the first food that is

Difference between colostrum and milk
Difference between colostrum and milk

produced by the mother in all mammals immediately after the birth of the young. This is the food necessary for the growth and immunity of the newborn. Colostrum contains substances created by nature and provides the body with the ability to resist throughout life the invasion of microorganisms and toxins from the environment. It contains immunoglobulins, lactoferrin, growth factors, antibodies rich in prolinepeptides, vitamins, minerals, enzymes and amino acids.
Dr. John Heinerman, a leading medical anthropologist and author of more than fifty books on health and nutrition, states that without the presence of colostrum, we would be extinct.

Why do all female mammals produce colostrum?

clusterThroughout her life, the mother is exposed to various organisms in the environment for which her immune system produces antibodies. Humans and primates pass on about half of the necessary immunity to their babies while they are still in the womb. Other mammals such as cows, horses, sheep and goats do not – their offspring must wait until the first colostrum is produced to receive this amazing gift. Indeed, without colostrum, non-primate mammals have a very high chance of not surviving more than 24 hours (mortality rates of up to 95% have been reported), as they are born without a developed immune system and are exposed to pathogens as soon as they leave the safety of the mother’s birth canal. Therefore, colostrum from cows contains significantly more concentrated substances than the colostrum of primates and humans.

Since human babies have received half of their immunity from their mothers while still in the womb, they will not perish without colostrum, but if they do not receive the next “installment” of colostrum through breastfeeding, then immunity and colon health will often be compromised, sometimes manifesting as poor health decades later. Fortunately, colostrum will be useful to us at any age.

Leaky gut

Colostrum has a significant role in the first few days of a baby’s life. All babies are born with a super-permeable small intestine, which is a natural condition known as ‘intestinal permeability’, or ‘leaky gut’. This increased permeability allows the immunoglobulins to pass easily into the bloodstream. Maternal colostrum closes these holes a few days after the onset of breastfeeding.

If babies are not breastfed for the first 2 years, the holes can reopen andleaky gutsyndrome develops. (Even if babies are adequately breastfed, specific lifestyle factors such as wheat gluten intake, alcohol abuse, high stress levels and certain medications can also trigger this syndrome at any time). This is a topic studied in great detail by researchers all over the world. Just do a PubMed search on the Internet for the terms“leaky gut” and“leaky gut syndrome” and you’ll find 135,000 and 15,000 studies on these two terms. You’ll also find a huge body of evidence linking leaky gut or leaky gut syndrome to the onset of more than a hundred different autoimmune diseases.

Why do adults need colostrum too?

Once puberty has passed, the aging process begins in the adult body, resulting in the production of fewer immune and growth factors that help fight disease and repair damaged tissue in the body.

Colostrum increases cartilage and collagen production and helps soften joint movements so we can move more freely and with less pain. Australia’s Olympic team used it for the 2012 games, when it performed in the most successful way in its history. Several studies highlight how it helps repair damaged joint tissue and speeds recovery time for sprinters and cyclists – the athletes who experience the most wear and tear on their knees. Bodybuilders taking part in competitions, national rugby teams and models also use colostrum to keep themselves lean and fit.

What is Lactoferrin?

Lactoferrin is a broad-spectrum immune modulator that protects the body against a wide range of viruses, disease-causing bacteria, fungi and amoebic parasites. Meanwhile, it supports the development of beneficial bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract, such as Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria. The high affinity for iron is the key to understanding the beneficial properties of lactoferrin. Because it binds easily to iron, it improves the body’s iron intake (iron bioavailability) and thus helps prevent iron deficiency.


Like the billions of other beneficial microorganisms in the digestive tract, Lactobacillus acidophilus aids in the digestion of food, the production of vitamin K and lactose, which breaks down the sugar in milk, boosts the immune response and helps maintain a healthy gut microflora.

Colostrum is non-toxic and has no known negative interactions with drugs, foods or other supplements.

AquaSource Products Containing Colostrum

Colastra Colactiv 3

ColActive 3

undergoes flash pasteurisation at 72o C for 15 seconds, and tests show that colostrum retains its biological activity throughout this process.

People who consume colostrum for the first time may experience some purging symptoms that mimic a mild form of influenza (called Herxheimer reactions) and may cause temporary mild diarrhea or constipation. This is normal and is no reason to stop taking colostrum. It is simply necessary to reduce the dosage to the minimum amount of one capsule per day until the body adjusts, and then increase the dosage until optimal results are achieved.