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What you will learn in the programme

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FACTS example 1: Taking out a loan is sometimes considered a bad thing or something people only do if they don't have enough money to live their lives. However, the reality is that people with lower incomes are not the ones who borrow the most money, quite the opposite.

Data from the Federal Reserve shows that rich people borrow much more money than lower-income people.

Wealthy people borrow more money but tend to use credit strategically.

Namely, many of them are borrowing money so they can invest in assets that will bring them more money.


Where the problem lies


The problem lies not in capital, but in this, no one has taught us about the different types of credit, how to take advantage of inflation and many others that have helped me achieve sustainable results over the years.

Not only willshow you my proven system that buys undervalued assets for millions, but I will also tell you how I started from the very beginning.

I'll tell you in specifics and numbers about a series of real deals with all the mistakes, the obstacles, successes and... conclusions. A frank and detailed first-person account of all that happening in Bulgaria.

These stories are the real diamond in the program that set it apart from all the basic tips, strategies and courses on the Internet.

What you will learn in the programme

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EXAMPLE: ...after years of realizing that you could have already had a profitable business that not only supported your family, but also enabled you to be completely financially independent. Great people don't wait, they act in the direction of their goal.
Imagine when you're 60...What do you want to be doing then?

1. Да се бориш за работно място, за да можеш да вземеш по-добра пенсия.

2. Да имаш пасивен доход, който ще ти позволи да обикаляш света с любимите си хора. Да си купуваш всичко, за което някога си мечтал/а, без да мислиш дали утре ще те уволнят от работа.

Using mortgage loans for investment purposes, the second possibility is very real. You don't have a boss, and much of your income is passive, as long as you get busy in time acquiring assets with good yields.

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What you will learn in the programme

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